Cheat engine assaultcube base address and offsets update#
* Just to confirm, Base Addresses and Offsets change only when developers update the game, but Dynamic Addresses change every time we re-open the game? * Why is LocalPlayer(BaseAddress) calculated by Game.exe + 0x10F4F4(this is an offset?)? Does Game.exe Address represent some kind of a starting point(beginning) in the memory allocated for that game? * LocalPlayer(BaseAddress) + 0x10(offset) = Sprint Stamina(Dynamic Address)? In order to get stamina Offset, we would need to: 0x04(int) + 0x04(int) + 0x08(double) = 0x10(16 in decimal) Here is the code below in case you want to replicate it.Ĭode: class localplayer //took out the () because wrong I wrote a small program to demonstrate this. Even though the offsets change for health we still can access the class reliably so we just skip a couple of bytes of memory to find the health offset. Some things are "static" which means they do not change opposed to dynamic, like the offset to get localplayer. ReadProcessMemory(processhandle,(LPCVOID)(localplayer+ammooffset),¤tammo, 4,NULL) SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesRead //how many bytes do you want to read SIZE_T nSize, the size of the offset etc sizeof(int) HANDLE hProcess, //the permission to read and write memory If you are wondering what the actual RPM call is here you go Readmemory(gamewindow + offset_to_get_localplayer_class + 0x4) //would read what is stored in health Int ammo = 30 //Offset would be +0x04 because it is 4 bytes Int health = 100 // Offset would be +0x00 because it is the first function Public: //everything below is considered an offset because it is
Code: class localplayer() //Game.exe + 0x10F4F4 -> The location to find the struct / class localplayer